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Job seekers flock to the career fair

Job seekers flock to the career fair

Wednesday’s Work in Quinte Career Fair was one of the most successful ever.

Dozens of local employers representing industry, trades, healthcare, government, retail and more were at the Quinte Sports and Wellness Center, with some candidates interviewing on site.

Economic Development Elizabeth Edwards of Quinte West says a large number of people come through the doors during the first two hours of the event.

“We have already seen over 600 job seekers come through the door and this is typically the number we see throughout the event. So this is quite a significant increase in the number of job seekers coming to our Work in Quinte Career Fair this year.”

She says there are likely many reasons for the large turnout.

“We have seen many of our local employers looking to hire. We have over 500 vacancies and our team has done an excellent job communicating this event. There are many new people coming to the region looking for work. So this has been a great opportunity for us to connect these job seekers with our local employers.”

Job fairs are held in the spring and fall.

If you missed Wednesday’s job fair, head to the Work in Quinte website where you can find job openings and even upload your resume to their database that many employers use.